Anxiety and Depression affects us all in different ways and can be brought about by numerous things. It is the body’s response to the fight or flight reaction in part of our brain that is there to protect us. There may not be one particular event that has brought about the unwanted symptom, sometime it can be a gradual thing that can feel as though it has come out of nowhere.
This in itself can be upsetting and confusing. In Solution Focused therapy, together we will focus on how you want things to change going forward and how this can be achieved.
Symptoms of anxiety can include,
but are not limited to:
• Avoiding social situations
• Difficulty concentrating
• Fatigue
• Feeling a sense of dread
• Feeling lost
• Having an increased
fear of something (Phobia)
• Headaches
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
• Lack of confidence
• Muscle aches
• Over thinking
• Repeatedly checking
• Self-doubt
• Shortness of breath
• Sleeping problems
• Teeth grinding
Symptoms of depression can include,
but are not limited to:
• Feeling anxious
• Feeling of hopelessness
• Guilt-ridden
• Lacking enjoyment
• Lacking motivation
• Low mood
• Low self-esteem
• Loss of interest in things
• Social anxiety
• Sleeping problems
• Tearful
• Physical symptoms can include
- Appetite changes
- Disturbed sleep
- Fatigue
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Low sex drive
- Pain
- Weight change
Outside factors can have a significant impact of the levels of anxiety and depression. Sometimes certain related medical issues can increase feelings of anxiety, this can lead to feelings of being unable to cope with the condition. Being able to lower the feeling of anxiety will in turn make symptoms more manageable. There is often a direct correlation between lowered anxiety and an improvement in symptoms. Areas this can relate to include:
• Chronic Pain
• Fertility Difficulties
• Menopause
• Perinatal Natal
• Post Natal